Monday, August 18, 2008

Club Meeting August 19, 2008

The next meeting will be on August 19th, at 7:00 pm at the Canfield Prebyterian chrurch.

Some things we will talk about:

-- Google Calendar. In addition to the free email that Google provides that we mentioned last month, they have a very nice calendar service. We'll go through the basics of signing up, adding an event, viewing your calendar, and setting a reminder. You can view and print out different views of your calendar, from a daily agenda list to a full month view. Of course, it's free! I like free.

-- Tim Ryan is fighting for you! Visit our representative's web site at You can see the cheapest gas prices in the area!

-- We might have some nice reserves of oil in the northern United States, check out

-- There is a new computer radio show on AM 570 at 1:00pm Saturdays.

-- Skeptical about Vista? Check out to learn more.

-- Anybody else having problems watching video on Perhaps you should try a new ZIP code.

As always, we will also try and answer any other computer questions you may have. I hope to see you there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.