Saturday, April 25, 2009

Youngstown Computer Show Notes for April 25 2009

Segment 1

Conficker virus starts to be active:,2817,2345917,00.asp

Last week's poll:

Discussion about the price of Macs vs. PCs

This week's poll: are you energy concious:

Segment 2

More talk about macs vs PCs, gamers don't use Macs.

Discussion about facebook and twitter.

Segment 3

Caller 1
--talking about how he uses MySpace to promote bands and festivals

Caller 2
Q: calling from Florida, can receive mail but can't send email, he is using Armstrong
A: if you are out of state, you might not be able to send out email because it is only for local customers.

Caller 3
Q: cleaned up my computer from a virus, but explorer.exe is not starting,
A: try making a new profile, see if that new profile works, otherwise is might be a registry problem

Caller 4
Q: computer does not want to start up this morning
A: do some basic troubleshooting, but it sounds like a blown power supply

Caller 5
--you can send mail through Armstrong's web mail service

Caller 6
Q: my laptop cannot connect to the internet unless I place it next to the router
A: it seems that your computer for some reason is trying to connect to another wireless network that happens to be stronger at your location. try removing all wireless profiles and renaming your wireless network

Caller 7
Q: the computer seems to take 15 minutes to get into windows, has a weird "USBd" message
A: you will probably need to bring that in to check it out

Segment 4

Update on the Niles store: AT&T did not show up to hook up service, so we cancelled and went with VOIP from Time-Warner

Will have a boot camp for novices probably first weekend of May at the new store.

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