Saturday, August 29, 2009

Youngstown Computer Show Notes for August 29, 2009

Segment 1

Talking about fake anti-virus popups. There is a screen shot on If you see this, keep tapping Alt-F4 to close all the windows. If windows still keep popping up, then you are already infected, then seek help to disinfect your computer. Adam asks about how the web sites themselves get infected.

There is a Youngstown Computer fantasy football league starting. See Adam talks about the Dallas Cowboys' HD screen that got hit by a punt.

Also check out the poll about Senate Bill 773.

Segment 2

Jessica Biel is now the most dangerous search on the internet.

Joe D shares an example of how work occurs at his shop.

Segment 3

Caller 1
Q: lost D and E dvd drives, they don't appear anymore
A: have you checked the cables?
Q: no, but I have been working with msconfig, then I had some problems with a phone sync, I uninstalled the phone software and the drives were gone.
A: try to use tweakui, if you are on XP, to see if the drives are hidden. also try running disk manager to see if the drives are shown there.
Q: I got a error mark when I look in device manager
A: try right-click, remove the device, then restart the computer
Q: any time for the mp3s to be posted?
A: we are working on it

Q: got a new vista, but I couldn't run my old dos doom games, so I got a patch, but it does not support the new red light mice
A: Ian would answer that, but he is not here today.

Caller 3
Q: about acer and vista, got a problem with windows explorer, when I try to copy a file to a floppy, I try to right -click the file to check the properties explorer freezes, there is also a dvd rom that I can can't read in vista, but works on XP
A: sounds like a hardware problem,
Q: well, explorer seems slow when going down the folder tree
A: you will have to look at it in the office

Segment 4

boy that was a fast break

Caller 4
was not there on the phone

Caller 5
Q: who benefits from viruses?
A: three reasons: 1. recruitment, that is, use your computer to do their work like sending spam, 2. tricks you into buying something that does nothing, 3. then there are kids that just lash out at society

Caller 6
Q: on XP, sometimes when I try to open something, but everything freezes, but I have to hit Ctrl-Alt-Del and then it works
A: that is strange, we will have to look at it closer

Segment 5

Caller 7
Q: got XP, says i need javascript enabled, like youtube
A: go into the security settings for IE, change it from High or med-high to medium or low. you can also check out the custom settings to check that scripting is enabled

Caller 8
Q: my computer suddenly stops then restarts
A: sounds like windows is crashing, usually a driver is crashing, also the power supply might be failing

Caller 9
Q: can I transfer music from media player into itunes?
A: you just have to itunes where the old music is, it is usually in your "My documents/My Music" (in XP)

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